About VSpell

The modern Vietnamese writing, Quốc ngữ (literally means National Language), became the official language in the 1990's. As opposed to the previous writing systems, the Nôm and Hán, which borrow and apply the Chinese characters, the Quốc ngữ uses Latin alphabets with an additional character and 8 diacritic marks. Since Quốc ngữ is Latin-based, it offers many advantages over the Nôm and Hán. It is very easy to learn, typeset, and computerize. However, it also introduces a few disadvantages, such as multiple meanings for a word, homophone and inconsistencies in spelling.

VSpell is the first Vietnamese Spell/Word Usage Checker available on the market since 1990. More than just a spell checker, this program detects and corrects inappropriate word usage and punctuation in the Vietnamese sentence context. With its sophisticated algorithm, VSpell can correct most errors that Vietnamese users normally encounter in writing. For a complete list of specifications of VSpell, please refer to technical specifications and features.


Originally, this research group consisted of several young Vietnamese American programmers, engineers, attorneys and historians -- graduates of UCLA, UC Berkeley, USC, and other Californian universities -- who taught Vietnamese to the Vietnamese children in Southern California at Van Lang Vietnamese Language Institute. However, as the need for language capacity arose, the group was expanded to enlist the assistance of several Vietnamese language experts.

The immediate goal of VSpell is to assist the users of the Vietnamese language. Our ultimate goal is to help standardize the Vietnamese writing system. To achieve these goals, VSpell provides the usefulness, convenience and flexibility to the users. The group is now known as the VSpell Development Group.

Please contact Daryl Thuan Khuong if you have any suggestions or questions.

In this version of VSpell, we wish to thank to: