Daryl obta/ined his B.S. in Mathematics/Computer Science from UCLA; co-founded the Van Lang Vietnamese Language Institute in 1987; founded Vietnam Business Services, a Vietnam business consultant firm in 1993; returned to Vietnam in 1994 and worked for Peregrine Capital Vietnam to establish IT-Star, a Hewlett-Packard Authorized Dealer in Vietnam. After coming back to the US in 1996, he has been working as a software engineer at Gemstar TV Guide, EarthLink Incorporated and Software Visioneer.
Responsible for word usage algorithm; Tram obtained her B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from UCLA in 1992; she has been working as a software engineer at Micropolis/Stream Logic Corporation and Boeing Corporation.
Responsible for linguistic research and public relations; Winston obtained his B.A. in History from UCLA in 1987 and his J. D. from UC Berkeley in 1990. He is currently practicing law in Southern California.
Responsible for database/dictionary module; Viet obtained his B.S. in Math/Computer Science from UCLA in 1987; he has been working as a software engineer at Gemstar TV Guide and St. Jude Hospital.
Responsible for system interface. Joe obtained his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from USC in 1985 and his M.S. in Computer Engineering from USC in 1987; he co-founded the Van Lang Vietnamese Language Institute; he has been working with Jet Propulsion Lab, Panavision and Qualcomm.
Responsible for database/dictionary management; Julian obtained his B.A. in Economic from UCLA in 1987 and J.D. from California Western School of Law in 1992; he is practicing law in Southern California.
Responsible for word usage algorithm; Nhan obtained his B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1987 and M.S. in 1995 from California State University Northridge; he has been working as an Engineer for the US NAVY since 1989.